We have two sponsors to introduce – Home Built Help and KitLog are helping with the success of our Eagle’s Nest projects.
From everyone at Friends of the RV-1 …
Please accept a sincere and heartfelt ‘Thank You’ for all of your generosity, commitment, and financial support of this historic aviation event. By all accounts, the RV-1 project was the largest event of its kind ever in the homebuilt community, and by YOUR efforts a significant page in homebuilt aviation history has been recorded and preserved for future generations. Job well done!
I also want to acknowledge Paul Dye and Louise Hose for their untiring efforts, guidance, and assistance in mission critical aspects of this historic event. There were times when it seemed the tail was wagging the dog, but they never turned loose and stayed the course.
Take a trip through the archives …
The beginning
The RV-1
- Van’s Bio and the RV-1
- Return to the Beginning
- A Brief History of the RV-1
- Restoration Update
- Pilot Report, First Flight
- Volunteer and Vendor Appreciation Day
- Meet a Friend: Larry Pardue
- Breaking News: Pants on the wheels !
- Trip Report on the first leg of the tour
- RV-1 Tour Update – May 18th
- Meet a Friend: Mike Collins
- Postscript from Sun-n-Fun
- A touch of Southern Hospitality
- Southern Hospitality – Savannah Style
- Meet a friend: David Valcik
- Meet a friend: Al Girard
- "Kids" playing in the RV-1
- The Tour is Almost Over
- The RV-1 and it’s Roots