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Current Tour Schedule for the RV-1
Date(s) | Name | Location |
March 3rd | Vendor & Volunteer Appreciation Day | T67 |
March 12 thru 16 | Chapter 822 Event | 08A |
March 17 thru 18 | Thunder in the Valley | KCSG |
March 27 thru 31 | Sun-n-Fun | KLAL |
March 31st | EAA Chapter 288 | 7FL6 |
April 3rd | EAA Chapter meeting | KSAV |
April 15th | EAA Chapter 242 | KCUB |
April 20 thru 22 | North Carolina RV Formation Clinic | KVUJ |
April 28 & 29 | Virginia Regional Festival of Flight | KSFQ |
May 1st | Dogwood EAA 1099 meeting | VA42 |
May 3rd | Chapter 528 meeting | KFDK |
May 5th | Maryland Festival of Flight | KHGR |
May 6th | Pottstown Fly-In Cookout | KPTW |
May 12th | EAA Young Eagle event | KHFD |
May 13th | EAA Chapter 602 | NY0 |
May 19 thru 20 | Stanley Sport Aviation Fly-In Breakfast | CCW4 |
May 26th | RV Fly-In | CYQG |
May 28th | Informal gathering | 3C1 |
May 29th | Informal gathering | KLXT |
May 30th | Informal gathering | KBJC |
May 31st | Informal gathering | KOGD |
June 1st | Informal gathering | KRTS |
June 8 thru 10 | Golden West Fly-In | KMYV |
June 23rd | Langley Flyin | CYNJ |
July 7th | EAA105 Breakfast | 7S3 |
July 11 thru 15 | Arlington Fly In | KAWO |
July 23 thru 29 | AIRVENTURE | KOSH |